Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Gary Allan's Stalker Drama

For anyone who actually knows me, you may find this a bit comical, and some of you may wonder if I were the one doing the stalking. I have many a friend and family member make jokes about me stalking Gary Allan. Funny as it is to laugh about such things, this is a serious matter. Gary has been stalked by a crazed fan for around 4 years now, and hopefully, his nightmare is coming to an end. I don't know the details surrounding the case, but it has to be a scary, mentally and emotionally exhausting thing to deal with. As big a fan as I am, I'd never revert to stalking, and certainly not burglary and vandalism. In my book, that's really no way to show your adoration.

A Nashville-area woman arrested for stalking country star Gary Allan will appear in court Wednesday (May 27) in Gallatin, Tenn., for a hearing on charges of burglary, vandalism and stalking. Allan is scheduled to appear during the hearing at the Sumner County Courthouse. Police arrested Katherine Walker following a May 2 incident at Allan's home in Hendersonville, Tenn. His attorney, Bill Ramsey, is expected to present testimony and evidence related to stalking incidents that have taken place during the past four years.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Danny Gokey starting a new chapter

Last night, as I watched American Idol, I was on pins and needles. Ryan Secrest kept faking everyone out, waiting until the very end to reveal the top seats for the finale. When he called Kris Allen's name first, I believe I stopped breathing for a moment. Could it be? Was Adam Lambert actually gone? For the life of me, I couldn't, wouldn't believe that Danny was gone. The man had never been in the bottom 3. Unfortunately, I was wrong. Danny Gokey, my pick to win since his audition, was voted off. I was sad, but not necessarily because his journey to win the title was over. I was sad that I want see his smiling face next week. I cried for his journey he made to get there, all the heartache and happiness he's been through the past 11 months. Danny Gokey is a genuinely kind soul, and no one can deny that. Maybe Danny didn't win the crown, but he's still my idol.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Could I Be...

As I sit here at my desk, I contemplate the one question I've asked myself every month for two years now: Could I be pregnant? This is no new journey for me in the sense that I was pregnant with Nicole 10 years ago. It is new territory in that with Nicole, I wasn't anticipating pregnancy. With Nicole, I wasn't even expecting it. I was 19 and thought I had years before I would even consider it. Now here I am 10 years later, and I crave pregnancy. I want to take the test and see two lines. I want to have my doctor confirm it with a big bright smile, and say, " You're pregnant!" I want to surprise my husband Josh and Nicole by letting them unwrap a gift box containing a onesie. I want to have the expanding belly, the gigantic boobs, the wonderful pregnancy glow. I want to have that magical, powerful feeling that only a conception can bring. I want to experience all the things I did 10 years ago, but I want to share it with Nicole and Josh. I want them to know the joy I felt. I want Nicole to know what her mama is like when she's pregnant. I want Josh to know what it feels like to have a biological child. I want to teach a little one all the things I taught my first born. I want to hold a baby, my baby, once again.